The FotoFinish Studio edition allows you to add Borders and Frames to your photos and images to make them more attractive for printing and publishing.
A photo with a frame added
You can access the built-in Borders or Frames in either of two ways:
1) Click on the Border Tool on the Wizard Toolbar or
Wizard Panel
2) Select Custom Shapes and Borders from within the Crop Wizard
If you click on the Border Tool in the Wizard and select Add Border, FotoFinish will display the Add Border dialog.
Selecting a border
You’ll see a series of thumbnail previews showing what your image would look like in the currently selected Border. You can scroll through additional borders by clicking on the black arrows at the lower right of the preview pane. Scrolling up and down displays different border styles. Scrolling right and left shows the styles with different shapes and different degrees of bevel.
Select a Border by clicking on one of the thumbnails and then on Apply Border.